
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bothersome bible reading

I've read the bible, cover to cover twice. The first time I just read it through. The second time I used a one-year-bible reading plan.

Then my bible reading was lousy. For years. I did what a lot of people in ministry or at bible college do. I read the bible for study or sermon prep.

And I thought that was enough.

Then I changed things around three years ago. I began to read books/slabs of the bible, making notes and doing fairly in depth study. As a result, I now have commentary like notes on approximately half of the bible.

The whole then process started to get dull. Right in the middle of the book of Romans.

And my bible reading started to get lousy again.

This year I tried something different. I'm currently in the middle of a character based bible reading plan and, surprisingly, am already up to Isaiah.

I find it sadly ironic that the voice up the front of church will implore the congregation to maintain spiritual disciplines, like regular bible reading and prayer, but neglect the same thing themselves.

I wonder how many church workers have lousy bible reading habits.
More so, I wonder how many are bothered by the fact.

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