
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Preaching again and again and again and...

What is a regional advisor or domination leaders greatest need? Three great sermons.
If you work for a para-church organisation, what should you never leave home without? Two gospel presentations and a stack of brochures.

One joke that pops up periodically is the idea that some get to perfect one sermon and do-the-rounds.

Sure, it's not true, but the perception persists.

This Sunday I'm preaching two different sermons and would love to not be doing twice the prep. With nearly 60 sermons under my belt, I wondered what my rinse-and-repeat sermon would be.

I think it would be the talk I gave when I arrived at my current church. To encourage people to love God with ALL their heart, mind, soul and strength. To not be HAFJ (Have Assed For Jesus).

That would be my 10 minute travelling sideshow.

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