
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why i don't fear money

I while ago i wrote a post titled "Why i don't fear numbers."

Well I don't fear money either. I'm not shy in talking about it and how followers of Jesus are called to use the polymer notes that flutter in and out of their wallets.

And many of the reasons i don't shy away from numbers apply to the issue of money.

Simply, money matters. Money pays the wages, funds ministry and keeps the lights switched on.

One in six parables that Jesus told dealt with possessions and churches seem to fail in reflecting the teachings of Christ by avoiding the topic.

Whenever i lead a service i will always make an effort to speak, no longer than 3 minutes, about giving before the offering. If nothing else, this keeps the issue before the congregation and (i don't think surprisingly), churches that aren't shy about speaking about money, normally, aren't doing it financially tough.

For me, money indicates two important things.

First... Buy in. You can tell how invested people are by what they are willing to give towards it.

Second... Obedience. Money may indicate the obedience of the group. God calls His people to be generous with their finances and give to the work of the church. If the congregation is growing in depth of understanding, service, commitment and love, then this should be (somewhat) reflected in the offering.

I would love to be at a church where 5c pieces were eliminated from offering plates. I think this would speak highly about the mindset that the church had towards giving.

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