
Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Rare Appearance

Tomorrow night my wife Ange will be at IMPACT, the youth group at the church i used to work at. For either of us it will be the first time back in 2008.

I figured i should say why I'm no longer involved in the youth ministry, especially with me not in another youth ministry position.

To begin with the decision was easy. At any stage i could be snapped up by a church and thus Ange and i would be whisked away with little notice. Secondly, i said i wouldn't be involved in the youth group early on in the year.

As time progressed i wondered if i could go back to Friday nights as a regular leader.

I should clarify, that there is nothing wrong with being on an even level as any of the leaders at IMPACT. They are all magnificent. They were when i had the privilege of leading with them, and they still are. If fact, this was part of the reason i felt that i didn't need to return. The youth ministry was in good hands, under secure leadership.

Furthermore, i wondered how i would fit in. If i was involved in the small group section, would it change the dynamics of the group, or how the leaders lead? Also, could i happily sit back and watch someone else lead what was "my baby"?

I'm confident that if required, there wouldn't be any issues, but i don't (in all honesty) think they need me. I haven't been asked back, and with a term to go, I'm not planning to ask.

This all being said, i do miss IMPACT.

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