
Thursday, August 28, 2008

21st Speeches

I reminisced about my 21st birthday party today. What a weird occasion it was.

Only at your 21st or your wedding do all your worlds collide. Church, work, school, family. Christian and non christian.

My 21st was significant because of two things... Firstly, because the Christian side of the room was called "God loving freaks" during one of the speeches, and secondly, because it was on that night that i reaffirmed my choice to side with that half of the room over the other.

Sadly, i didn't ask anyone from church to speak at my 21st. If i did they could have spoken about my faith, instead of spinning yarns of drunken escapades and tomfoolery.

It saddens me that my 21st experience is not uncommon. Too often birthday parties glorify your negative sides and "non christian" shenanigans, not your faith.

Too often you hear... "We got sooo smashed..." not "he is a man who loves Jesus."

1 comment:

  1. You're right Graham. 21st speeches more often than not glorify all the wrong things, and not only that but they are often poorly done. I am always pleasantly surprised to hear a 21st speech that talks about someone's faith in God and how He has changed them.
    But that's ok. The speech I gave for your farewell service at the morning service was a lot like a 21st speech. BUT, a good one might I add.
    I'll be choosing who gives my speeches carefully!
