
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Trimming down the 23K


This is how many verses there are (depending on the version you’re using) in your bible.

As I slowly prepare to teach a new Studies of Religion subject at my school, I’ve started piecing together the essential elements for each of my topics.

One of my religious depth studies, alongside Islam and Buddhism, is Christianity.

In the cheat notes, which I’ll provide at the start of the subject, will be a through vocabulary and important verses/passages from their sacred texts.

Of the +23,000 options, I’ve had to nail it down to just the pearls of the bible.

And, it’s been a refreshing challenge.

I’ve had to discern the primary points of Christianity.






And then, I had to find succinct verses to align with the core truths.

This exercise would be something which I believe most Christians would benefit from.

Because, how often are you challenged to distill your/orthodox beliefs down, ensuring that they are backed up by scripture?

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