
Saturday, April 23, 2022

What does it mean to be spotted by a student at church?

A few weeks ago I was recognised at church by a student of the school I currently work at.

This was the first time it has happened.

It was, frankly, a little weird.

First of all, it was odd that I was called Mr Baldock. I’m still not used to be called by my surname, especially outside of school.

Second, it was odd because I wasn’t expecting to see a student randomly in the church foyer. My church, whilst not located on the other side of Sydney, is far enough away from my school that I’m not tripping over students regularly.

Third, it was weird because I don’t advertise my faith in the classroom. Sure, I may mention that I worked for the church in the past or that I have a theology degree, but I don’t go out of my way to talk about my faith.

Working in a public school, you have no idea what response you will get and, honestly, I’m not even certain that it would be allowed.

With that said, it raises an important point. What kind of witness, if any, do/should I have within the school?

Sure, one kid may now have an idea that I’m a believer, but very few others would.

Or, is the mission field of a public school only reserved for the staffroom?

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