
Friday, April 15, 2016

Do you want to lead the superstar of the church?

Earlier this week I wrote here how every activity of the church, ideally, should be branded and guided by the church-wide vision/mission statement.

But, I wonder how many ministries, secretly... or not so secretly... want to be the superstar of the church?

How many ministries want to be THE THING which their church is known and renowned for?

Admittedly, I've wanted this in the past.

I've wanted our page of the website to be the most visited...
I've wanted our attendance to be the biggest...
I've wanted our activities to be the most exciting...
I've wanted our programs to have the most impressive advertising...

But this, obviously, isn't the most productive mindset.

A far better thought is for your ministry to be an extension of the church, not seperate or an added "bonus".

But, this requires a humility which, I'm willing to admit, I've struggled with in the past.

A humility to not be the superstar...
A humility to be a part of a united team...
A humility to desire for and share the victories of the entire church...

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