
Monday, March 2, 2015

Running the scenarios

A leader falls pregnant with her boyfriend...
Or the friend of a teen...
Or a member of the youth group...

A leader dies in an accident...
Or the friend of a teen...
Or a member of the youth group...

A leader is diagnosed with cancer...
Or the friend of a teen...
Or a member of the youth group...

A leader commits suicide...
Or the friend of a teen...
Or a member of the youth group...

A leader turns up drunk or affected by drugs...
Or a kid does...

The youth minister loses his sight...
Or his driver's license...
Or breaks his leg...

An important leader gets a job which means they can't make it anymore...
Or the ringleader of the senior-high girls...

Although the worst-case scenario usually doesn't develop, I've mentally run a lot of scenarios nonetheless.


Because, inevitably - if you're in a church long enough - a pretty-bad scenario will play out.

In order to keep my mind sharp...
In order to expose my blind spots and potential weaknesses in the youth group...
In order to evaluate how a potential response might match the values of the group...
And in order to, somewhat, see the punch coming...

I run the scenarios.

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