
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Guys need side-by-side

As I instigated once I started at my current church, nearly two years ago, I still go on regular dates with people at my church.

But, not all dates are the same.

One big difference, depending on the relational temperature I want to set and gender of the person, is where I choose to sit.

In a sweeping generalisation, guys chat side-by-side whilst women converse face-to-face.

So, for some guys, I'll make sure we'll chat about things while watching a screen or playing a game. That will be far more productive then an across-the-table luncheon.

The same thing applies with teens on a Friday night.

In general, the most open conversations with teenage guys is while they're doing something else. That's why, for guys, a pool table is the perfect ministry tool... after all... it got me talking. 

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