
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Accessing the youth ministry database of resources

As another term winds down my head is starting to turn towards term 3 and what we'll be doing in the children's & youth ministries.

For one, the youth ministry, the outline of a program was already planned coming out of the last leader's weekend.

Alternatively, for the kids club, the program still needs to drop out of my brain.

But I've got plenty of time, previous programs and germinating ideas to ensure it happens.

BUT... what if... and I'm not trying to encourage laziness...
Each denomination had a central resource where local youth ministries placed their old programs for others and see and tweak?

Sure, there are professional organisations who sell packaged programs, but what about a "regular, on the ground, tried and tested" database?

In part, this is born out of two things.

First, I (and every youth/children's worker) have OODLES of old stuff I've produced. And, mostly, it just sits dormant in a filing cabinet or trapped within the complex labyrinth of a "youth ministry computer."

Surely there can be a better use for it then that.

And second, going on from my last post, if the resources were from other local youth ministries then you could a) have a chat with someone and find out what "actually" worked and what flopped and b) the resource will not only be tested, but tried in a context which somewhat matches your own.

Again, I'm not wanted to foster a culture of laziness or a-simple-cut-and-paste-job-will-do attitude, but a bigger Kingdom impact can surely be made with the stuff we've already done and won't revisit until another generation of youngsters arises.

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