
Sunday, September 16, 2012

The story in the spotlight

Joseph is not a set in the Wild West... Nor was the story of Moses...
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not wear baseball hats...
Goliath was not a giant pickle...
The town of Jericho was not full of peas...
Gideon did not play the tuba...
Samson did not have a missing hairbrush or Noah an umbrella...
The parable of the Prodigal Son has little to do with the Wizard of Oz...

I know, you're probably thinking, that I'm stating the incredibly obvious. But you're not a five year old.

And this is not a dig at Veggie Tales.

This is a dig at those who use stories to teach kids and forget a really, REALLY, important point.

Whenever we use an adaptation of a biblical story we need to be crystal clear in explaining where this story comes from. We need to tell those who are watching/listening that these stories is not actually about Larry the Cucumber.

We need to remember which story in meant to be in the spotlight and which is meant to be in the background.

Sometimes, even if it is by accident, I wonder if we get the order mixed up...

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