
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sex spiel

I've written about sex often on this blog and have even posted a few series on the topic. One reason is that I get asked about it fairly often, on numerous occasions per year, especially in scripture.
In a few weeks I'll be speaking about sex at another youth group and, subsequently, have been thinking about my plan of attack for the latest "sex talk."

How do I piece all the blog sized chunks together?
The topics I'd want to cover are...

Is God for or against sex? Despite the message which you may have heard...God created sex. It was His idea. He made it to feel good (this wasn't something which Adam and Eve discovered by accident!) Sex was one of the first things God told humans to do (how else were they to go forth and multiply???). God deemed it good! God allows and encourages sex to be used, respectfully, within the context it is best expressed.

Why does the government think that a minor cannot consent to sex? Sex is not a children's activity due to the mature consequences.

What are the consequences of having sex? Fun, Children, STI's, how the other person views you will change (for the better or worse), Increased intimacy... When two people have sex they are the most open they can be. The bible uses the phrase "to know" on purpose.

Are the consequences serious and what damage could pre-marital sex cause? Aside from the middle two... When the introduction of sex ramps up the degree of intimacy far beyond that which exists between two people emotionally, relationally and in shared experiences then tension is caused by the lack of other relationship foundations.

Why does God place limitations on human sexuality and how it is to be expressed? God is not holding out on us, but like fire or electricity, sex has boundaries set upon its use so it is not used destructively. Marriage, where two people commit their lives to one another before witnesses and God, is the proper context for sex.

Who should I date? Someone who goes "off the same playbook," holding the same worldview and set of values which you do. Be wise with who you choose. If you are a Christian? Thus a Christian. You don't buy a bikini from a hardware store, go to the right places to get what you want.

The M rated section...
How far can I go? Where is the line for sex? We are not to try and be cute with our definition of sex and try and get as close to "the line" as possible. Sex begins before penetration. Toying with "almost sex" is unwise if you want to remain a virgin before marriage.

What about porn? Porn is to sex, what the film The Notebook is to real love stories... not genuine, dehumanising, damaging to the actors and the viewer.

What's the deal with masturbation? The core issue is lust and selfishness.

Most of all... If you have stumbled sexually, as important as culture, other teens and the church may say it is, this is not something which is beyond God's mercy. Ask for God's forgiveness and turn towards a new way of living. God will be good faithful and separate you from your sin as far as the east is from the west.

Is there anything else I'm missing?

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