
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Do you have to remember it all?

How did you do that? You must have a really good memory!

After preaching in the morning service last week I've heard the above feedback a few times.

The reason was simple. It appeared that I preached without a manuscript or any obvious notes.

As is my normal routine (which I described here), I did move the music stand with my notes, but last Sunday I referred to them less than usual.

This was not always the case. As I've written here and here (and I read about here) the full manuscript I create for every sermon is a valuable asset.

In fact, I totally memorised my first couple of sermons.
It took me years to pluck up the courage (?) to speak away from the lectern.

Now I am perfectly comfortable preaching with my notes a few meters away.


Because I don't need to get it word perfect. No one will know if I don't.

All I need to know well are the introduction (ABSOLUTELY VITAL!), which will get me warmed up, where the stories/props fit in (which you communicate with in a casual manner anyway), the order of my points (which a logical order should make clear anyway) and any specific wording I might want to use/avoid.

With plenty of rehearsal time and the comfort that the full notes are nearby, you might only "need" to actually memorise a few minutes of a 15-20 minute talk.

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