Ideally, it will have between 15-40 teenage kids on a Friday night, within a half hour of my church, with solid leaders and biblical input.
Since i began at my new church, each term I have had a combined night with another youth group. I'm happy for them to come to us, but we usually travel to them.
- Because it reminds me that I'm not in competition with the "other guy down the street." We are in partnership.
- Because it lets my kids see that there are more than just them at youth groups and following Jesus.
- Because i can get in a rut with our program and this mixes up the experiences for the kids. Having a new face up the front can be a real positive.
- Because other don't do things the same way i do. Each chance i get to see another apply his/her craft i have the opportunity to learn how to do mine better.
- Because each event established connections (Youth Ministers/leaders/kids) that can be built upon later.
"..I am captain planet" :)