
Sunday, December 12, 2010

More than just one week

Today i started to crunch the numbers from the term and year just past.

There's still a lot of reflection to be done and planning to look forward to, but i saw a few noticeable wins.

An obvious one were the new kids who have stuck around.

When i think about how the teens have changed from their first week, I'm reminded that youth ministry isn't a sprint or a one off.

At best, you have six years in high school (and potentially years either side). Each year has around 40 weeks of youth group. Hopefully, each year you have at least one camp they attend and dozens of church services.

In short, you have more than just a week. Lots more.

And that's a good thing.

You have many, many teachable moments.

You don't have to try and squeeze the entire Christan message, relevant theology and useful church history into one teaching time.

You get the privilege to watch kids develop and mature.

You can share the highs and lows of growing up. You ride with them through dating, formals, driving, exams, birthdays, friendship breakdowns and family tragedies.

All because you get more than just one week...

1 comment:

  1. and in reality, it is the longer period of developing trust in those relationships that ends up having the most impact, as the kids see you living out your faith rather than just telling them what to do with theirs.
