
Friday, August 6, 2010

Inside or outside?

Faith in God is more caught than taught. You learn what is it to follow God by observing others walk with God more than a weekly 40 minute sermon or Friday night youth talk.

Teachable moments occur when life is lived together. You more often speak about the things of God as they arise.

The trouble is, the church can only view ministry as happening inside a building and ministry-happens-in-the-church mindset is shortsighted.

If spiritual input only happens the three hours that a young person is in a church, then there is a massive time slot that is missed. Kids are at home way more then are at the church and it makes sense for the parents to be actively ministering to their kids as life brings up opportunities.

I believe this is the more accurate picture that the bible paints of ministry and nurturing the faith of young people.

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