
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Prayer awkwardness

I significant pat of my job seems to be leading church services.

As a result, it sometimes creates an awkward churning in the depths of my being. And it all surrounds public prayer.

Prior to any church service, there is usually joint prayer involving the preacher, the service leader, the band and anyone else milling about and willing to be involved. This makes me uncomfortable.

During the services there is also prayer, on occasions, group prayer (as i lead last Sunday). This made me feel awkward.

Why the awkwardness?

The problem: Do you steal/borrow what you have heard or use your own prayer material?

When you are in joint prayer before the service, and you know what (roughly) you are going to say to open the service, do you preempt your service opening? Really, you're just going to pray that people will be aware of God's presence, that He will work during the service and that what happens during the service will being honour to God.

But... Do you save your prayer for the start of the service?

Or, when you're bringing a group prayer segment to a close, do you repeat what your group has just prayed if it was really good? Would you be viewed as a prayer thief? Do you rein in your own prayer input because you will get up and close the prayer time?

Maybe these are problems only i worry about...

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point. I fully understand your awkwardness with public prayer. I've found that prayer is most meaningful when it's just me talking to God. When I'm able to block out the circumstances and people around me and just speak heart-to-heart with God is when I think my prayer has the most impact on me, those in my presence and with God.

