
Saturday, October 10, 2009

If it wasn't for Jesus...

I got back from camp yesterday and i feel quite post-campy. Sleepy and sniffily.

Camp always brings odd realisations.

Like the "if it wasn't for Jesus kids" is the latest.

You know... you have probably met them. You may have even been one in the past.

The kids who are weird. Magic-show, elf-card playing game weird.

The kids who incoherently chatter. Non-stop.

The kids who latch on and won't let go. Year after year.

The kids who don't shower. Nor have discovered deodorant.

The kids who, if you didn't love Jesus, you would avoid.

When i think of the difference my faith makes, and ponder my new church, i see this.

Wherever you go... Churches have included creepers. Lurkers are accepted. Freaks are valued. Weirdos are given a voice and a place to be themselves.

I think that's the way it's meant to be and a sign of a healthy faith community.

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