
Monday, October 26, 2009

Change reaction

Last night my new church had our first 5:30pm family-friendly service (combining two struggling services - 10:45am & 6:45pm).

Last night the church changed...

Church was done in a new way... A better way.

The week before i preached on change (which i have unsuccessfully tried to post) and in the sermon i referred to "the bell curve of change reaction."

Essentially, you will be this curve during a time of change.

You're position may change depending on the transition that you are going through... but you will be on it.

At one end of the graph is the INNOVATORS. These people make up 2% of a changing population and are the vision casters. These people are the ones who birth the idea.

The Innovators are then followed by the EARLY ADAPTORS. They make up the next 14% of a changing population. They see a good idea and they jump on board. They are the bandwagon riders.

In a creative twist, the MAJORITY are next. Wickedly divided into the early and the late majority (with 34% each) they are neither for nor overly against an idea. They will react once momentum starts and results begin to roll in. These people are more cautious then the preceding groups.

Finally, the LAGGARDS make up the last 16% of a people going through a time of transition. They will fight against the change, either going along kicking-and-screaming, or stubbornly not at all.

Over the last few weeks i have seen this play out at church with the lead up to the new service.

Some have quickly jumped on board and sacrificially contributed ideas, finances and time. Some have taken more time to warm to the concept. Others have dragged their feet or openly questioned the change.

But last night was good.

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