
Monday, August 10, 2009

IT'S (another) NEW CAR!!!

On Saturday, Ange and i welcomed a new member to the family. He is awesome.

Let me spin you the yarn of how Gerald became Big Red.

It all began with a trip to Mitchenbury.

There, we were spotted, wandering the car yard... CarCity... by Eddie.

In my gut, I'm pretty sure Eddie was kind of dodgy. He noticed that we were eyeing off a low-kilometer, shiny, red Hyundai Lantra.

I took a test drive and must have had that "I'm gonna buy" look.

Enter Gerald.

Gerald is my old, crappy, broken, money chewing, fuel guzzling, few-to-many character flaws Commodore. Gerald is the car we drove to the car yard. Gerald is the car we took to get traded in...

When my mate Eddie saw Gerald, he thought "his boss" may give me two-grand for him. "His boss" thought otherwise. He said 750 bucks.

I tried to haggle. I wondered for a while... I pondered aloud about 1500... or 1200... or 1000...

My haggling failed. I took $750.

So, with emptied bank accounts, credit extensions granted and a touch-and-go eftpos transaction i drove away in a new car.

I traded (along with a few thousand dollars) a 1989 Commodore for a 1996 Lantra Sportswagon.
I traded a car without a radio for one with a fully sick system.
I traded a car without a drivers-side door lock for a fully functioning car.

The only down side? I could have got a whilte Cressida. Another Cecil.

But my wife said no. No way in Hell.

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