
Sunday, July 5, 2009


I'm currently reading a book on why young adults leave the church. One chapter that caught my attention dealt with singles, particularly singles over 30.

The author made the point that the church should work as matchmaker for their single young adults unless directly told to act otherwise. Sure, some Christians are called into a life or extended season of singleness, but many are dissatisfied with their predicament.

So... Why shouldn't the church assist? If you want help with finding a job, or a car, or accommodation, the church may help, so why not in finding a date?

In the past your parents had a massive role in pointing you in the right direction. They knew you and would have a fair idea of who would be a good fit. Now days, especially with children from non-believers, why wouldn't the church fill a similar role?

Hmmm... Should they at least pray for them publicly to find partners if they have the desire to do so... We pray for marriages all the time!

With so many churches seeking to be "family friendly" why shouldn't they (without being creepy Uncle Church) assist making other potential believing families?

I dunno if the church should keep a singles radar roving the local community, but the argument seems kinda convincing on the surface.

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