
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Church jingle-jangle

I think I'm going to have my church worker limp back. You know, the one weighed down by a million small pieces of metal...

Yesterday i picked up a stack of new keys for church. I'm now burdened with a massive 14 keys aside my three key rings.

Five church keys... four car keys... two house keys... a key to Mum and Dad's... a key from my old church (which i have to return) and my Jesus key.

Jesus key? A blank red key which reminds me about the key of salvation, the blood of Christ.

My Mum said i look like a prison warden.


  1. Yeah stupid keys.
    I don't even keep the ones seaforth ones on the keyring anymore. They're somewhere in the car. If anyone steals my car they won't know what those keys are for.

  2. Yeah unless they read this, then they are in luck

  3. yeah that was me not anonymous
