
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why Guy Small Groups are a Winner

While looking over my resume yesterday i noticed the amount of single sex small groups that i ran in the past.

Looking back, i remembered why I'm such a fan.

Firstly, i like the way that guys bond in the absence of the fairer gender. Blokes being stupid, or competitive together is a beautiful thing.

Second, guys can (accurately or not) get intimidated by chicks in a small group setting. As a generalisation, chicks seem to have it more together in the Christian world.

2/3 of the church is made up of women and they respond better to sharing their feelings and "opening up" (things we place great value in at small groups).

Third, some issues are best dealt with without the presence of the opposite gender.

Forth, i firmly believe that guys need a place for their maleness to be affirmed. We need to allow and empower blokes to be blokes, not pansies.

Finally, i think guys want someone to follow. Ultimately this should be Jesus. Along with him, i think a male youth minster (or leader of a guys small group), can help "show the way" for the others guys in the church. Showing that following God in a bold and manly way is a good role model.

Don't hear me say that single sex small groups should happen all the time, i don't think that. But for a season (perhaps a term a year) they serve a significant purpose.
And the same goes for chicks... Wouldn't they love to be free of smelly, loud, immature blokes?

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